eBooks Full-Text Search Engine
The eBooks Full-Text Search Engine is a J2EE compliant web application, which integrates into existing OUHK e-Library seamlessly while providing industrial strength performance and flexibility.
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The eBooks Full-Text Search Engine is a J2EE compliant web application, which integrates into existing OUHK e-Library seamlessly while providing industrial strength performance and flexibility.
Read more...The OU Viewer server is a J2EE compliant web application, which integrates into existing eBook Centre of Open University of Hong Kong seamlessly to provide controlled content access to all students and staffs of OUHK. It combines browser and server side technology for optimal performance, maintains same level of security for digital right management including, but not limited to, prohibiting copy-and-paste, printing, viewing web source and copyright license control. The full-text search engine is also included for intra-book full-text search with implicit Traditional-to-Simplified Chinese conversion.
The project builds a web content conversion system for multiple channels. That does not only include desktop web browser, mobile devices like PDA or mobile phones, but also voice devices like ordinary telephone. It can even let PDA read the extracted content and capture human voice input to navigate the converted web site. Three web sites are processed for demonstration: OGCIO’s web site, Digital 21, and InfoSec web site.
Note: This project is a collaboration of PITECH and Kanhan Technology Limited. PITECH is responsible for the PDA application and online content extraction.
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